205 Corp.
24, rue Commandant-Faurax
69006 Lyon
T. 33 (0)4 37 47 85 69
M. contact@205.tf
205 Corp.
24, rue Commandant-Faurax
69006 Lyon
T. 33 (0)4 37 47 85 69
M. contact@205.tf
Matthieu Cortat created Basetica for the studio GVA (Geneva), in the context of the Open Switzerland project, on the occasion of its attachment to the Base group, bringing together 3 agencies in Europe (Brussels) and America (New York). GVA wished to show its attachment to “Swiss Graphic Design” and what it carries in terms of quality, precision and rigour, while at the same time presenting a Switzerland quite different to the usual stereotypes that one can imagine.
Basetica is then, a "contemporary Helvetica", open and with no frills. Raw at times, but always clean and discreet, it revisits the International Swiss Style” with a certain irony.