205 Corp.
24, rue Commandant-Faurax
69006 Lyon
T. 33 (0)4 37 47 85 69
M. contact@205.tf
205 Corp.
24, rue Commandant-Faurax
69006 Lyon
T. 33 (0)4 37 47 85 69
M. contact@205.tf
Hour, designed by Federico Parra Barrios, is an original typeface that presents both conceptual and technical challenges. It proposes a contemporary interpretation of engraved letters, exploring how we perceive their forms based on the angle of incidence of the sun and the ambient light.
This typeface breaks with a two-dimensional representation of the alphabet. One of the main challenges of Hour was how to portray the texture and depth of lapidary engraving, along with its shadows, under the constraints of Bézier curves. The illusion is created through an interplay of rasters with varying values. Though actually only drawn in black, each letter appears to contain tones of gray.
Hour is a particularly accomplished variable font, despite having only two axes. The first axis, “hour,” determines the angle at which light strikes the surfaces of the letters, similar to a sundial. This axis evolves logically from 0 to 12, with the light appearing to revolve around the letters, generating an infinite number of variations.
The second axis, “okta,” borrows the measurement of cloud cover from meteorology. By varying it, the designer gives the sensation of modifying the intensity of the incident light, as if adjusting the nebulousness and opacity of clouds in the sky. Like the original unit of measurement, this axis extends from 0 to 800: from cloudy to sunny, progressing through clear.
Thanks to its particularly advanced technical development, Hour is a typeface intended for motion design, but can also display its originality when used to compose the title of a book or a magazine.
To try Hour is to adopt it!