205 Corp.
24, rue Commandant-Faurax
69006 Lyon
T. 33 (0)4 37 47 85 69
M. contact@205.tf
205 Corp.
24, rue Commandant-Faurax
69006 Lyon
T. 33 (0)4 37 47 85 69
M. contact@205.tf
Anacharsis is a modernist geometrical lineal, that follows in the footsteps of the Futura, Simplex or Semplicità typefaces. Its design and proportions are based on the gothic Rotunda letters, round, soft and meridional, like those used in the 14th and 15th centuries in southern Europe.
A solid, black character, it possesses two series of alternative signs: certain capital letters that recapture traces of the “turned” letters (E F H I J M N P S T V W Y) of medieval copyists; for the lowercase letters, archaic forms may be called upon (a d h l s v w y). These variants, accessible through OpenType functions, are deactivated in the default settings. Anacharsis can in this way be used as a classic and elegant lineal.
Anacharsis is available in regular, bold and black versions with their corresponding italics.