205 Corp.
24, rue Commandant-Faurax
69006 Lyon
T. 33 (0)4 37 47 85 69
M. contact@205.tf
205 Corp.
24, rue Commandant-Faurax
69006 Lyon
T. 33 (0)4 37 47 85 69
M. contact@205.tf
Maax is a sans-serif typeface whose design possesses few optical corrections so as to give it a certain obviousness and authenticity. Consequently, certain counterforms are relatively small, and can even become clogged when its size is reduced, or when the medium upon which the typeface is printed makes for an imprecise result.
As its name indicates, Maax Micro is a variant of the Maax typeface, specially designed for use with small and very small sizes. Inktraps, invisible to the naked eye at sizes below 8 points result in more open counterforms. These traps are designed to function by “absorbing” the ink that would otherwise build up, clogging the counterforms.
The spirit of the original typeface remains intact. Maax Micro possesses exactly the same palette of signs as Maax, including the many alternative signs that make it so original. However, some will appreciate these surprising, sometimes extravagant forms, caused by the addition of these ink traps, modifying the principal function of this Micro version and setting the typeface in large sizes, using it as an original titling typeface.